Adeline Dimond
May 29, 2021


Read the piece. I never said I was fat. YOU’RE saying I’m fat, apparently, but I never said I was. I said that weight gain explains part of why my breasts are big, but I never said I was fat. I said a doctor said I was too fat to operate on (he actually just wanted me to lose 10 lbs) but I never said I was fat.

As for the “advice” to do something about my being fat — because that is what you’re doing here — my weight has been stable for years. I’m active, and have always eaten whole foods. Not looking to change a thing, because dramatic weight loss invariable always results in gaining it back and more. So good luck, Steve.



Adeline Dimond
Adeline Dimond

Written by Adeline Dimond

Federal attorney, writing thought crimes on Medium. To connect:

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