Adeline Dimond
1 min readAug 14, 2021


Oh, that's true. I completely forgot about them. I actually bought "Girl, Wash Your Face" because I was so curious about what the hype was all about and found it completely unreadable. Like, literally unreadable: run on sentences, bad use of ellipses, and then I never paid attention again until I heard rumblings that they were getting divorced.

I don't even think divorce is necessarily a failure, but yeah, here they are holding themselves as experts on something, and are total frauds in the end.

I think what I was trying -- and perhaps failing -- to say in my piece originally is that because part of the predatory process of self help stuff is to first convince you that you're "doing it wrong" or that something is wrong with you, and that seems (to me, at least) happen to single people more than married people. But perhaps it happens to married people too -- messages that if you aren't having enough sex or if you annoy each other once in a while, you're somehow failing when in fact it's completely normal.

