Again -- and louder for people in the back -- nowhere in this piece did I say criticizing Israel or Netanyahu is anti-semitic. What I said was this: the allegation of genocide is incorrect, based on decades of international jurisprudence.
And based on that jurisprudence, what is happening in Gaza -- while horrific -- is absolutely different than what happened in. Syria. In Syria, Assad used chemical weapons against his own people, taking a page from Saddam Hussein's book. In Myanmar, the military engaged in murderous campaign against Muslims -- that looks a lot like specific intent to destroy. Ukraine was invaded by a despot. The only thing these four situations have in common is the violence, nothing more.
However, to say that not "a single Jew" has in public or private has mourned the loss of Palestinians -- that, my friend, is anti-semitic. There are plenty of Jewish people protesting the conflict in Gaza -- or is that not enough of a display for you? As for in private, I'm not sure how you would know what the 15.7 million Jews are doing in private. How many do you know?